Team Titleist Sweeps: Winter Pom Pom Hats

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By Abby L.

  • 547 Replies
  1. Going to the simulator twice a week and trying to hit different shots. Gonna be a long, cold winter here in Ohio so the hat would keep me warm.
  2. Tom E

    Tom E
    St. Catharines, ON

    I really want to work on the short game and being indoors, putting will be the focus. I may grab one of those chipping mat/nets for the garage too. Oh yeah, I will have to start to do some yoga, as the body needs to be more fluid. Maybe the toque pom pom will help keep me warm with the garage chipping......
  3. I will be working on keeping my body square to the target line. Tend to open the left shoulder causing an over the top move.
  4. Brandon C

    Brandon C
    Rochester, MN

    I'll be working on chipping off of tight lies, fortunately the living room carpet is the perfect height of cut ;)

    Also, just a reminder for those of us that will be stuck inside all winter - it's the perfect time of year to get any grips that have worn out replaced and ready for spring!
  5. DonJ

    Cranston, RI

    Trying to get more flexible tuff when you getting older an try an build up my golf muscles
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    More consistent contact with my irons.
  7. PRO V

    PRO V
    golf course

    Learning to putt with my wedges (Robert Streb) style. You never know!
  8. David T

    David T
    Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

    Putting in the basement with eyeliner mirror and knock-off of the Pelz putting ramp I built.
    One cool drill I do are putting an alignment stick on the back of your putter and anchoring it on you chest - really keeps you connected!
  9. 1) Putting - practicing the 5-10 foot range. Set up in front of a full length mirror to get a better look at how the putter moves
    2) General exercise routine to stay in shape and flexible to be ready to go once the weather breaks.
  10. Just ball positioning with alignment sticks marked every inch. Been struggling with consistency.
  11. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Abby , I will be working on the driver this winter. Thank you in advance for the chance to win one.
  12. pbeckett


    For me its all about working on hitting my putts where I am aiming. All of my work will be done within my apartment due to most of the courses closed for the winter combined with day-light-savings removing all daylight for me to enjoy after work. While watching TV or wasting time in between things I will place a quarter or other small object on the floor and practice hitting puts at this marker. Normally I set a goal of how many in a row I have to roll the ball over the marker for me to quit. As I hit that goal more often I slowly move the target farther away with the market never getting past 10 feet. Its simple but it keeps me sharp for when the courses open in the spring.
  13. Ethan J

    Ethan J
    Woodinville, WA

    Posture, and chipping around the green specifically when I shot side myself (Which is all the time) :)
  14. Joey L

    Joey L
    Youngsville, LA

    I will be making sure that I set the club in the proper position at the top. I do this by using a laser pointer and holding it in my left hand while I grip the club. When I take about a 1/2 backswing if the red dot appears on the ground where the ball should be then I know the club is in the right position.
  15. Korps

    Olmsted Township, OH

  16. Tempo. 1,2-3
  17. Accuracy on wedge shots within 100 yards and chipping.
  18. Deno

    New Jersey

    Putting with my eyes closed to different distances. I place a coffee cup upside down on the carpet, get my alignment, and close my eyes until I can hear the ball ding the cup.

  19. Allen L

    Allen L
    Clarington, OH

    Move to Alabama for the winter. Play more golf. Move back north when the weather warms up.
  20. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    Putting and working out a way to play more golf!
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